When is the best time to update Facebook?

Did you know that posting updates to Facebook at certain times can generate more engagement than others?

It’s different for each industry and client base of course, but some research has been done to give you a starting point.

Here’s what some of the research says

One study found that engagement rates are 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays. Simply put, when people are tired of working, they spend more time on social media. Interesting posts will give this audience the escape they’re looking for.

Another study found engagement rates to be 32% higher on weekends. More free time = more social media!

It can be difficult to know when to capture your audience. The research says around the end of the week could be a good time to start posting, but check your own stats and you’ll get an idea when your readers are active.

So we have a rough idea of which day, how about the time?

That gets even more rubbery. This article on the Buffer Blog suggests early afternoon, but I’ve personally had pretty good results posting after 8pm, when most people are sitting comfortably in front of the telly.

With that said, the ideal time to post will be different for everybody – including you.

So how does that help me?

It doesn’t! Don’t rely on third party research to make your social media successful. You have to do your own digging!

Experiment. Try posting at different times of the day and on different days of the week and check the results. If you’re not sure what you should be measuring, check this post: How to Improve Your Facebook Marketing Using Facebook Insights.

And if you’d like to read some more of the research I’ve quoted above:  A scientific guide to posting Tweets, Facebook posts, Emails and Blog posts at the best time.


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