Just start (you’ll get better)

2017 is going to be our year for producing more video.

It could be instructional stuff – I could be demonstrating something, a “how to” on the computer. Or it could be my thoughts on marketing, digital marketing, where the industry’s going, and what you need to know.

Now the thing with starting to produce video is that it’s a little bit scary. Because let’s be honest, this video is probably not very good. I don’t know what the lighting’s like, I’m probably going to be umming and ahhing a bit, but the only way to get better at doing this is to start.

Every single video that we produce will be a bit better than the last one. We will learn a few lessons. But one thing that I don’t want to get in the way is the fear that it’s not going to be good enough (so I’m not going to start). The only way to get better is to do it.

So that’s (not that I’m a big thing for New Year’s resolutions) but that’s our New Year’s resolution I suppose, and hopefully, by the end of this year the videos we produce will be really really good!

Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time.

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