Almost Anything Acquired by Google

Almost Anything Web & Graphic Design is pleased to announce we have been acquired by Google. The deal, worth $15.6 million, was finalised at three minutes past midnight. AA-Google-purchase Over the years the association between Almost Anything and Google has been getting closer, with Almost Anything, who were already a Google Reseller, becoming Central Queensland’s only Google Partner back in late 2014. Jason and Yolinda Foss (the owner/directors of Almost Anything) are delighted with the acquisition. Whilst the ink is still wet on the deal, Yolinda could hardly contain her plans to purchase Keppel Island, where she intends to start farming chilli’s and pumpkins for her new venture producing homemade jams and chutneys. Jason could not be reached for comment at this time as he is currently en-route to the local Ford dealership to pre-order a new Ford Mustang. It’s not all good news though. In a sad turn of events the acquisition has meant the immediate departure of Stuart Harcourt whose allegiance to Apple was at odds with the Almost Anything’s new owners, who are insisting on only allowing the use of Google hardware, software and mobile phones. We wish him success with his future ventures. Elsewhere in the business, developer, Michael Clegg was said to be “happy” with the acquisition but would have preferred to be purchased by Samsung. Designer, Matt Green, is looking forward to the his future as part of the Google family who have always been supportive of staff with epic sideburns. Today will be business as usual for the remaining Almost Anything team members and customer service will not be affected by the acquisition.

EDIT: yes, this was posted on April 1

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