Are you ready for the Zero Moment of Truth?

Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)

Do you know what the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is?

I’ve shown a number of people this video recently and the common response is a lot of nodding, followed by, “Yes, I do that. That makes sense.”

Set aside a minute and a half and see for yourself:

So now that you know what ZMOT is, what are you doing about it? Is just having a “web presence” enough?

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. If a potential client was researching [insert what you do here] and they found my website, would that be a positive experience? Is my website helpful or useful? Or is it vague and out of date?
  2. Are there other things I need to do online besides just looking after my own website? (Think about Social Media or Review websites where your product/industry is discussed.)
  3. Can I actually be found in the first place? And if I’m already ranking well, why would someone click my result in Google instead of someone else’s?

Each industry is a little bit different, but the common element here is that ZMOT – where clients do their “homework” before they make buying decisions – affects just about all of them.

How do you stack up?

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