Almost Anything Desktop Publishing recently produced an animated slideshow presentation for Rockhampton Tourist and Business Information (RTBI).
Our client wanted a tool to assist sporting bodies and other organisations attract events and conferences to be held in Rockhampton.
The CD runs for approcimately four and a half minutes, during which time Rockhampton’s location, climate and facilities are promoted, along with RTBI’s services and assistance packages.
In producing the CD, Almost Anything Desktop Publishing:
- Prepared a script based upon the client’s brief
- Sourced photographs to be used, and took photos where none were available
- Prepared background artwork designs
- Editied the voice-over (Supplied by WIN Television’s Paul Taylor)
- Assembled and animated the presentation using Macromedia Flash
- Produced the final product on mini business card sized CDs
The end result?
“Thanks for all your work on this project. I really like the end product.”
– Anthea Curtis, Events Coordinator, RTBI

The Rockhampton Morning Bulletin, March 4 2004
Local coverage: CD gets a sporting chance
A compact disc (CD) to attract more sporting teams to use Rockhampton’s sporting facilities has been produced by Rockhampton Tourist and Business Information.Produced by local publisher Almost Anything Desktop Publishing, the CD can be used by sporting event or conference organisers to lobby to have their event in Rockhampton.
Printed material to accompany the CD will also be produced by Rockhampton Tourist and Business Information to fit the particular bid.
WIN Television’s newsreader Paul Taylor is the narrator on the disk.
– Courtesy of The Morning Bulletin